Colección: チェーンの長さについて
◆チェーンの長さについて About the length of the chain |

ネックレス/ペンダントチェーンの選び方 How to choose a necklace / pendant chain
Speaking of fashionable neckline, neck chain. There are a variety of chains, from silver and gold with pendant tops to handmade ones with fine workmanship. Why don't you stick to the chain a little without thinking that it is an accessory of the pendant.
●ペンダント・チェーンについて About pendant chains.
それぞれのお店で独自の基準を設けているようですが、大まかには 次のような基準で見てみると良いかと思います。
洋服とのバランスではスーツにはチョーカータイプ、ブラウスなどには プリンセスタイプ、タートルネックやワンピースにはマチネータイプ がベスト。ミニスカートには長めのネックレス、ロングスカートや ロングドレスには短めのネックレスを選ぶとより効果的です。
The pendant is a type of necklace, but it is now established as an independent item. Regarding the length of the necklace now, there is a gap between the existing classification and the products on the market, and The current situation is that various expressions are used depending on the store. It seems that this is because the physique of women is improving year by year. It seems that each store has its own standards, but roughly speaking, it would be better to look at the following standards. Also, for men, I think that the following plus 5 to 10 cm is generally appropriate.
・ Choker (35-40cm)
・ Princess (40-45 cm)
・ Matinee (50-55 cm)
・ Opera (70cm ~)
・ Rope (107cm ~
・ Long rope (142 cm)
In terms of balance with clothes, the choker type is the best for suits, her princess type for blouses, and the matinee type for turtlenecks and dresses. It is more effective to choose a long necklace for a miniskirt and a short necklace for a long skirt or her long dress.
●チェーンの太さについて About the thickness of the chain
オフィスやカジュアルシーンとともに相性のいいタイプです。常時服の内側につけておくネックレスにするなど、普段使いにも適した太さです。どんなアクセサリーとも組み合わせやすいので、 気軽にトータルコーディネートができます。
Extra fine Best paired with a small pendant top. If you have a very small pendant top, you can put it side by side to create a lovely atmosphere. Also, when combined with a necklace of different length and thickness, it adds a gorgeous look to the chest.
Thin It is a type that goes well with office and casual scenes. The thickness is suitable for everyday use, such as a necklace that is always worn inside clothes. It's easy to combine with any accessory, so you can feel free to make total coordination.
Thick A slightly thick necklace that is easy to balance with a large pendant top. There are many types of necklace designs such as azuki chains and ball chains that can be used to decorate your chest without a pendant top.
Very thick A thick necklace that you can enjoy fashionably with a strong presence. When wearing a fairly thick type, check the balance between the space around the neck and the shape of the collar of the clothes with a full-length mirror, and check the necklace that suits you or the balance with the thickness of the neck with a mirror. Let's look.