收藏: 関税について About tariffs

通常の「海外発送」商品に関税(輸入消費税、地方消費税、前払税などの各種消費税を含む)がかかる場合は、輸入者(受取人)である購入者が負担します。 ご注意ください。<<実際のお支払い方法の例>>配送会社が交換して税関を清算し、入荷時にスタッフに支払います。事前に税関からの通知を受け取り、お支払い後に商品を受け取ります。 商品到着後に請求書を発行し、電信送金またはその他の方法で支払います。

About customs duty payment
If customs duties (including various consumption taxes such as import consumption tax and local consumption tax, advance fees, etc.) are charged for ordinary "overseas shipping" products, the purchaser who is the importer (recipient) will bear the charges...Please note.<< Example of actual payment method >>The delivery company will make a replacement and clear the customs, and pay the staff when the goods are received.Receive a notice from customs in advance and receive the goods after paymentYou will receive an invoice after the item arrives and pay by wire transfer or other means.

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